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Let's see how GraspRx App works
Your emotional mood
Your caffeine intake
Your hours of sleep
Each morning when you open the app, a chatbot welcomes you with a friendly 'Hello'. In a 20-second conversation with this bot, you answer simple questions including:
This information about your current state of mind is seamlessly collected to adjust the level of your scheduled activities, and to analyze and explain your daily performance accurately after you complete the exercises.
Step # : Check in
In order to provide lasting relief for ADHD patients, GraspRx utilizes a combination of practices such as meditation, neurofeedback and cognitive behavioural therapy. These practices are exercised through an AI-driven app that grants users access to an outstanding experience in the search for cognitive improvement. This also means anyone and everyone can benefit from it, and can now feel one step closer to a brighter future with a little boost from GraspRx.
On the dashboard, you will find your daily schedule of warm-up exercises and challenges.
Warm-up exercises are provided to improve your performance in the proceeding challenges. They are not monitored and they do not require a GraspRx Crown.
Examples include but are not limited to:​
Step # : Dashboard
& Warm-up Exercises
00:00 / 00:15
The transcript:
Brain Yoga
Take your left hand, make a fist, and extend your thumb; do the same with your right, only extend your pinky. Now switch them so it’s left pinky and right thumb. Repeat this process.
Warm-up exercises can be accessed through your phone, tablet, computer, or TV. All your progress will be synced together on the server.
Not so easy, is it? This exercise is developed to run your neural connections in preparation for challenges.
Instructions for these exercises are usually given with visual or auditory commands in order to keep your hands free. Below, you can try one called Brain Yoga:
Guided Meditation
Breathing Exercises
Brain Games
Step # : Challenges
What we call "challenges," actually can be described as gamified neurofeedback exercises. Therefore, these challenges can only be completed with a GraspRx Crown, which is a lightweight headset dressed with AR (augmented reality) and EEG (electroencephalogram) capabilities.
Challenges usually involve a puzzle that needs solving and is seen through the AR visor, however, moving the puzzle pieces can only be achieved through brainpower.
Meaning: if you maintain a laser focus on what you are trying to do, your concentration will be rewarded by moving those pieces in the exact direction you are thinking about. This system works with no controller other than your brainwaves that are being recorded live during the exercise by the EEG electrodes on your headset.
Now let's do a short demonstration of one of the GraspRx challenges called Rubik's Puppet, but without the gear.
In this exercise, you would normally be wearing a GraspRx Crown and seeing a Rubik's Cube through AR filters in real-life settings, but instead, we will use a physical 3x3 Rubik's cube to complete the demo version.
In order to keep the demo short, instead of scrambling the puzzle completely and then scanning it to generate a solution, we will start from a specific scrambled state with only one side as a solid color.
To gain access to these instructions on how to bring the Rubik's cube into this state, please submit your email and they will appear below in the green frame.
Are you ready to solve a Rubik's cube with your eyes closed?
Now that your Rubik's cube is in the targetted position, you may press the first play button below in the yellow frame to start the exercise and solve the puzzle.
Please remember this:
When you hear "Front", it means the side of the cube that is facing you. Also, "Right" is the side in your right-hand palm, while "Top" is the side facing up, and "Bottom", facing down.
The direction you will be turning each one of these faces will be mentioned as either "clockwise" or "counter-clockwise".
* The game you are about to play focuses on your hand-ear coordination, and measures your information processing skills. Enjoy!
Rubik's Puppet
Close your eyes
1st move
2nd move
3rd move
4th move
5th move
6th move
7th move
Final move
Open your eyes
Voice Experience
Did you know?
Rubik's cubes have 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 combinations, but only 1 solution.
Congratulations, you did it!
You just solved a Rubik's cube with your eyes closed while seamlessly
practicing your information-processing skills and fine motor skills. All in under one minute!
In addition to this demo, GraspRx offers many more challenges that targets different cognitive skills to improve in a daily basis.
Step # : Progress Tracking
So far, it should look like you are just playing games and wearing gadgets, which is to keep the experience lightweight, especially for young people. However, the AI does its job in the background and keeps track of all the important information while you are having fun. Everything is linked together to create visuals for you and the professionals to which you have given access, like your doctor or your therapist.
Using this information, an overall analysis of your performance is created and reported back to you with easy-to-read graphics that can be found under the performance tab.
To be able to generate these visualized reports, GraspRx first collects data by monitoring how your brainwaves are behaving throughout the activities. It also monitors your vitals and takes into consideration your heart rate and blood oxygen levels.
Step # : Auto-customized Improvement Plans
Artificial Intelligence
There is so much raw data collected during the challenges by the EEG electrodes and other sensors in your headset. Upon your approval, this information can be accessible to your assigned doctors. They can then observe your progress, analyze it professionally and make changes to your improvement plan if deemed necessary. These changes can affect the length of your improvement plan or the format of your iCBT sessions. In some cases, it may also require changes to your prescriptions if you have any. Regardless of what your doctors may want to change, you will be given an improvement plan and a weekly schedule of different neurofeedback exercises by the system.
GraspRx makes these AI decisions by relying on the reports of your previous exercises and generates new ones to target exactly where you need improvements the most. In some cases, this may mean that you will have more memory-challenging games in the syllabus, while sometimes it can translate into more mental-relief exercises, especially if the system detects stress overload. The level of difficulty is also auto-adjusted as your cognitive skills improve.
You can sync GraspRx with your calendar to make sure your improvement plan fits your daily schedule. You can also enable motivational notifications to stay on track.
inal Step: Completing the Program
In brief, GraspRx is a complex system consisting of AI-driven software and wearable compact technology devices. The system was initially developed to provide long-lasting relief for people struggling with ADHD-like symptoms, then evolved into a platform from which everyone's cognitive abilities can benefit. In both cases, however, the solution does not work without a user with the motivation to engage in given activities.
Therefore, to ensure continued use of the system and also to not further affect your quality of life, GraspRx prioritizes:
1. Accessibility in experience design
2. Comfort in product design
With a game-like interface, you're given a rewarding system that encourages you to push your limits. In return, it accelerates getting the positive results you expect in the end.
Finally, after successful completion of the improvement plan, if desired results are achieved, it is strongly recommended that you continue with the "Lite Plan" as long as needed, to avoid relapses and also for continuous personal development. Please see Plans & Pricing for more information.
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